Diagnosa Keperawatan PPOM - COPD Nursing Diagnosis
PPOM (Penyakit Paru Obtruksi Menahun) adalah klasifikasi luas dari gangguan yang mencakup bronkitis kronis, bronkiektasis, emfisema dan asma. (Bruner & Suddarth, 2002). PPOM merupakan kondisi ireversibel yang berkaitan dengan dispnea saat aktivitas dan penurunan aliran masuk dan keluar udara paru-paru. Sumber : PPOM (Penyakit Paru Obtruksi Menahun) Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a chronic lung disease is progressive, meaning the disease lasts a lifetime and is slowly deteriorating from year to year. In the course of this disease there are phases of acute exacerbation. Various factors play a role in the course of the disease, among other risk factors are factors that cause or exacerbate illnesses such as smoking, air pollution, environmental pollution, infection, genetic and weather changes. The degree of airway obtruksi happened, and identification of components that allow for reversibility. Stag...